Wireless Radios

We offer industry-leading brands and the widest range of bandwidth-efficient Wireless Radios in the industry.

Our radios are providing mission critical communications, among others, to the following applications:

Wireless Mesh Network : break away from the limitations of the traditional point-to-multipoint topology. With our tree network topology any node can be the access point for any other nodes.
Roaming: Increase your coverage area when communicating with mobile platforms by roaming between multiple hubs.
Linear Network: establish multiple hop networks using our dual antenna single radio repeater topology.
Interference control: co-locate over a dozen radios with no worries of self-generated interference by automatically synchronizing all radio transmissions using our Synchronized PulsAR Network (SPAN) technology.
Redundancy: use clustered hub radios to increase your coverage area and redundancy on critical networks.
Choose from off-the-shelf products or ask us to develop a custom solution integrating our equipment into your specialized application.

Wireless Radios